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Reading: Reception Desk Countertops: Design Ideas 

Reception Desk Countertops: Design Ideas 

April 27, 2022
5 min read

A welcoming reception desk is where it all starts for a business. Reception areas connect companies to end users, promoting a brandā€™s image by making a good first impression on potential clients.

An expertly-crafted and maintained reception desk countertop demonstrates care, regard and professionalism. Beautiful reception surfaces help establishments evoke a desirable first impression, which can lead to increased consumer engagement and brand loyalty.

The personality and sophistication that quartz countertops can add to a space is just one of the reasons why theyā€™re the go-to when designing a reception area. Looking for a reception counter design?

5100 Vanilla Noir

Here are 4 reception design ideas:

  1. A bold reception 

While most brands play it safe by having subtle reception countertops, establishments can also achieve a unique design through the use of bold colours. A bold colour can work to elevate a reception area while creating next-level intrigue.

One of the most commonly used quartz reception colours is black. The ease of pairing this colour with a wide variety of other elements enables businesses to achieve an eye-catching and luxurious design that suits almost any industry.

Here are some combinations to create a bold look:

  • Caesarstoneā€™s 5100 Vanilla Noir, cream-coloured walls, and some gold accents to match can produce a noteworthy and charismatic feel.
  • Caesarstoneā€™s 5810 Black Tempal achieves a warm, mineral-like appearance. This surface can be paired with white painted walls and playful accents for a subtle, layered appeal.
  • A soft, emotive white hue like 5121 Layalite, blue-coloured walls, and a large indoor plant can make a small reception area look open and welcoming.
  1. An all-white reception for a sleek look 

An all-white reception sends just the right message to customers. It also gives businesses the ease of adding other decor pieces to make a space pop. For instance, a large indoor plant in the corner of the room or a contemporary artwork above the reception countertops is a great way to achieve a classy yet simple look.

Similarly, white pairs well with wooden floors, modern light pendants, and other bright accessories. An all-white reception design can achieve a sleek and luxurious look. A clean, calm, and pure feel can also be achieved by pairing white countertops with striking white walls.

  1. Intricate edging 

Countertop edges enhance the appearance of a space. They also have a large impact on safety and efficiency. A quartz reception counter desk allows businesses to experiment with different edge designs. From simple to more flamboyant edges, the possibilities are endless.

Establishments can opt for quartz edging profiles such as the mitered edge, waterfall edge, bevelled edge, and bullnose edge. With the variety of quality quartz countertops offered by Caesarstone, no edging design is far-fetched.

  1. A neutral reception 

A neutral reception desk countertop works best for brands that want to use other features as a focal point. Businesses with a large reception area may want consumers to focus on its services. Bold signage in the reception area will deliver a clear message to customers, including services offered, available discounts, and other crucial information.

Neutral colours such as beiges and browns ensure that a reception countertop design does not crowd out the businessā€™ signage. The combination of grey quartz countertops like 2003 Concrete and clean, white walls ensures that features like signage catches a customerā€™s attention first.

5810 Black Tempal

How to use a reception counter design to evoke emotion 

The design of a reception desk can evoke certain emotions. Here are some reception styles, the emotions they evoke, and how establishments can achieve their desired look.


A glamorous reception area is ideal for companies in the luxury sector. Establishments seeking to achieve this look can pair quartz countertops with other exquisite items like sleek accent pieces, opulent floral displays, and bold light fixtures.


A calming reception area is a key design aspect for establishments looking for their clientele to feel centred and at peace. This reception theme suits any space and can be achieved by pairing warm-toned quartz countertops with garden plants, water features, and other calming elements (such as an aquarium with brightly-coloured fish).

Welcoming and comfortable 

This reception design is ideal for establishments that want to relate to consumers on a personal level. A comfortable and simple feel helps consumers open up more easily, creating a warm and cordial relationship that can last for many years.

This reception style features high-quality quartz countertops, strategically placed accent lamps, cozy decor features (such as an area rug), and soothing abstract paintings coupled with warm colours and comfortable yet simple furniture pieces.

Exciting and energetic

This reception design is most commonly found in start-ups. Brands that want to send a message of proactiveness, hard work, and forward-thinking to customers should opt for this design.

It features modern elements such as lighting, bright walls, bold countertop colours, and statement art pieces. Depending on the industry, most companies that feature this theme are keen to showcase playful elements to enhance the fun office feel, such as a ping pong table.

How to enhance a reception area 

Good lighting  

Lighting can completely transform the atmosphere of the reception area. A well-lit space can look crisp and bright, whereas a dimly-lit space can appear mysterious and inviting. For those looking to create a modern look, you can pair ultra-modern countertop materials with statement light pendants to craft the ultimate statement.


The key to customer satisfaction mainly relies on comfort, at least when it comes to furniture. Furniture should be comfortable and beautiful, and brands should use pieces in line with their aesthetics and function.

Final thoughts 

With all of this information, you should be ready to get started with your reception design. Call a Caesarstone representative to get started and find your perfect reception desk countertop today.

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